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Showing posts from March, 2013

I love coffee, I love tea, I love the java and the java loves me . . .

So I was struck with the memory that I had yet to write a  blog post this week, just as I was taking a piping hot cup of water out of my microwave in preparation for a soothing cup of tea. So, what better to write about than the drink that fuel's a writer's soul? But then I though, Coffee is really swell too, and as both drinks are everyday staples in my life, I thought I'd include them both. Now, I know that there is a debate on the topic, so I won't tiptoe around the question: Which is better? Coffee, or tea? There are even Facebook groups for coffee lovers vs. tea lovers. Presently I sit here writing, listening to chill music and sipping green tea with peach, but earlier I was enjoying a large caramel iced coffee. Am I a traitor to one side or the other, and to be forever rejected by both? I don't know, so I thought perhaps I'd just considered the aspects of each for your considerations. Now, Coffee first. Now, please forgive the cringe-worthy ...

A New Way to Tell it

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife." I don't know about anyone else, but that line just fills me with glee. It is the first line of the famous book Pride and Prejudice. When I was thinking about what I was going to write this week, I also happened to be watching the most recent episode of an excellent little web show called the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. Several very talented actors portray the well-loved characters of the Bennet sisters and their adventures in love in a modern telling of the book. Anyway, this episode was particularly wonderful, and so I was really excited and decided that I wanted to share this goodness. This is a little different than some of my other topics I've written about, but this just kept coming up in my head. To give you an idea, here is the first episode, but I will warn you- it is super addictive. I just find this so incredibly creative. In my crea...

Come By the Hills

Okay, so I'm just gonna start out with the super incredibly exciting news- I'M GOING TO SPEND NEXT SPRING SEMESTER IN NORTHERN IRELAND!!!!!!!!!!     I found this wonderful fact out for sure last Wednesday, and I got the official email to day: Isn't it preeeetttyyy?  I applied for it earlier this semester and then had to be approved by my own college and then the college in Northern Ireland. Now, studying in any country would be freaking amazing, but Ireland is especially exciting for me. Not because I have long lost ancestors there- I mean, I might; my family is a conglomeration of a handful of European countries, plus Jewish and Native American. We got around. So, for all I know, there could be some Irish Freeman family that I'm related to, but that's not really why this is so wonderful.  I have been enchanted with Ireland since I was a little kid. I saw pictures, and I though, Oh, my goodness! That's where the fairies are! I was positive that if s...