So I was struck with the memory that I had yet to write a blog post this week, just as I was taking a piping hot cup of water out of my microwave in preparation for a soothing cup of tea. So, what better to write about than the drink that fuel's a writer's soul? But then I though, Coffee is really swell too, and as both drinks are everyday staples in my life, I thought I'd include them both. Now, I know that there is a debate on the topic, so I won't tiptoe around the question: Which is better? Coffee, or tea? There are even Facebook groups for coffee lovers vs. tea lovers. Presently I sit here writing, listening to chill music and sipping green tea with peach, but earlier I was enjoying a large caramel iced coffee. Am I a traitor to one side or the other, and to be forever rejected by both? I don't know, so I thought perhaps I'd just considered the aspects of each for your considerations. Now, Coffee first. Now, please forgive the cringe-worthy ...