So, I'm in a pleasant ly up-beat mood at the moment, so thought that perhaps I would take a minute to blog, since I'm mostly a hermit and am terrible at talking to people who I don't see regularly. Which, right now, is like everyone I know except for like three friends. One of which may or may not be my sister. So. I don't even remember the last time I wrote. I suppose I could maybe go back and check that, but whatever. I think it was about Jamestown? If not, holy crap. Jamestown. I'm going to be very honest, I think I might have made a mistake about the particular historical career I wanted, because archaeology is truly like nothing else I've ever done. I don't know. Is there any way I can be a curator and archaeologist? Because that would be tremendous. Oh, also the people I did it with are actually just spectacular human beings who I miss pretty much every day (COME BACK TO ME FAM!!) ANY...