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Showing posts from January, 2020

Starlog I

Alright guys. I don't know what is more embarrassing about using my personal blog for a Star Trek online course- that the link I'm about to not just upload to said course but upload to twitter for said course will lead random people from the course and otherwise to my personal blog, or that if anyone is invested enough in this blog to notice I've uploaded for the first time in two years, they'll see that it's for an online course about Star Trek all because I'm a giant nerd with impulse control problems. But ya know, it's this or start an entirely new blog. Anyway, this is just the kind of person I am so we're gonna roll with it. So to any and all who happen upon this: hello! And, yes,  to those unfortunate enough to not be here for my class, I'm calling it a starlog, because that's what it's called in the course description and also because it sounds cool and I want to pretend I'm on the Enterprise, so here we are. So the first thing...