"Bowties are cool."
Okay, if you don't recognize any of these quotes/ sound effects I just quoted, then, my dear, you have something delightful in store. If you DO recognize them, then you already know the excellence that is Doctor Who. : )
I was inspired for this post because I just watched the newest episode "The Rings of Akhenaten." Not gonna lie, I was a little confused (though honestly, I don't know if the writers know what's going on half the time either), but enjoyed it and am loving the new companion, Clara.
There is a whole lot to say about this show, and believe me, I will bring it up again, and possibly even write whole other posts about it. But for now we'll see what happens. I'll try not to say too much in the way of plot points just in case there's an episode you've not seen and prefer to be surprised (I know I do). I'm focusing mostly on the new series, as I have yet to watch a significant amount of Classic Who (don't worry, though. I'm working on it). Godspeed, dear reader. This is gonna get nerdy.
Okay, first off I will try to explain why I love this show. The only problem with that is that it's not very easy to define, and if you are one of those who watch it, you understand. There's also so many reasons that combine to create the love that this show inspires across the globe. For one, there is just so much... hope, I guess. So much hope that anything is possible, that anyone can be great, that anyone can be good, and that good can conquer bad. While I don't always agree with views that touch on religion, I find that there is still almost always a chance of redemption, which I do agree with wholeheartedly.
The Doctor himself is another reason. Yes, for those of you who don't know, the main character is the Doctor, not Doctor Who. Just so you know. Anyway, the Doctor. Also for those who don't know, he's an alien, 1000 years old about, and he travels through time and space (and that is an INCREDIBLY simplistic description).
Presently, the Doctor is on his 11th incarnation (played by Matt Smith, who, frankly, I kinda wanna hug. He looks like he gives phenomenal hugs.). My first Doctor was number 9 (Christopher Eccleston) who, though only on the show one season, will forever be in my heart. 10 was played by David Tennant (Holy Heart-failure, Batman. Can I pretty, pretty, prettypretty please ruffle his hair? Just once? Or he can just recite Shakespeare- cuz yeah, he does that- in his real voice, a wonderful Scottish accent... okay, I should stop, cuz I could write a whole post on how much I love David Tennant.... that might happen.).
No matter which version of himself the Doctor is, he is always- and I'm gonna quote the show here:
"Bowties are cool."
Okay, if you don't recognize any of these quotes/ sound effects I just quoted, then, my dear, you have something delightful in store. If you DO recognize them, then you already know the excellence that is Doctor Who. : )
I was inspired for this post because I just watched the newest episode "The Rings of Akhenaten." Not gonna lie, I was a little confused (though honestly, I don't know if the writers know what's going on half the time either), but enjoyed it and am loving the new companion, Clara.
There is a whole lot to say about this show, and believe me, I will bring it up again, and possibly even write whole other posts about it. But for now we'll see what happens. I'll try not to say too much in the way of plot points just in case there's an episode you've not seen and prefer to be surprised (I know I do). I'm focusing mostly on the new series, as I have yet to watch a significant amount of Classic Who (don't worry, though. I'm working on it). Godspeed, dear reader. This is gonna get nerdy.
Okay, first off I will try to explain why I love this show. The only problem with that is that it's not very easy to define, and if you are one of those who watch it, you understand. There's also so many reasons that combine to create the love that this show inspires across the globe. For one, there is just so much... hope, I guess. So much hope that anything is possible, that anyone can be great, that anyone can be good, and that good can conquer bad. While I don't always agree with views that touch on religion, I find that there is still almost always a chance of redemption, which I do agree with wholeheartedly.
The Doctor himself is another reason. Yes, for those of you who don't know, the main character is the Doctor, not Doctor Who. Just so you know. Anyway, the Doctor. Also for those who don't know, he's an alien, 1000 years old about, and he travels through time and space (and that is an INCREDIBLY simplistic description).
The 11 Doctors. Front and Center is 11, to the right is 10, to the left is 9. |
Presently, the Doctor is on his 11th incarnation (played by Matt Smith, who, frankly, I kinda wanna hug. He looks like he gives phenomenal hugs.). My first Doctor was number 9 (Christopher Eccleston) who, though only on the show one season, will forever be in my heart. 10 was played by David Tennant (Holy Heart-failure, Batman. Can I pretty, pretty, prettypretty please ruffle his hair? Just once? Or he can just recite Shakespeare- cuz yeah, he does that- in his real voice, a wonderful Scottish accent... okay, I should stop, cuz I could write a whole post on how much I love David Tennant.... that might happen.).
No matter which version of himself the Doctor is, he is always- and I'm gonna quote the show here:
He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night and the storm in the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns at the center of time and can see the turn of the universe. and... he's wonderful.
Yes. So much Yes. I don't think I can do it any better justice than that. Even though I'm fairly positive it's not gonna happen, I would love to just fly away with the Doctor in his TARDIS, holding his hand and dispelling his loneliness, travel farther than I've ever dreamed, . . . but alas, stupid BBC created this wonderful thing that isn't real. But at least for the span of an episode we can all get away for a bit. : )
The companions are also wonderful. There have been a number of them, and each one has something special to bring. Most are just normal people who happen to run into the Doctor and spark his fancy. They grow in their travels with the Time Lord, and I think they help to save the Doctor from himself as much as he saves them from monsters and mediocrity. It's impossible to pick a "favorite," because they are all pretty special.
My first companion was Rose Tyler, who traveled with both 9 and 10, and who stole both of the Doctor's hearts. I won't get into detail, but she causes so much happiness and so much pain, not just for the Doctor but for all of the fans who grew to love her. Then comes Martha, who I think is underrated- she helps the Doctor when he really needs a friend. Then there's Donna, possibly the most hilarious companion ever, and the Doctor's best friend; she went from thinking she wasn't worth much to helping the Doctor save whole worlds, and then . . . well.
After Donna, we met the 11th Doctor, whose first encounter is with Amelia Pond, and she, and then her fiance/husband Rory join the Doctor for a few seasons. She was "the girl who waited," the 11th Doctor's dearest friend. There is also River Song, who we met with 10 once, but is mostly with 11, who is flirty and fun, and says things like "Well. I was on my way to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled, when I suddenly thought, "Gosh. The Third Reich's a bit rubbish. I think I'll kill the Führer. Who's with me?" to a group of German soldiers during WWII.
There have been some others who come in now and again, too, like Mickey, Jack, and Wilf. There were other wonderful ones who came before in the older series, and one, Sarah Jane, even appeared more recently; I as of yet have only had a small taste of them. There are still others that only appear once and yet have a lasting impression. Now, we have Clara, who we've only just met but who I am really liking already (in fact, I am going to an event in the summer in which I plan on cosplaying as her).
The companions are also wonderful. There have been a number of them, and each one has something special to bring. Most are just normal people who happen to run into the Doctor and spark his fancy. They grow in their travels with the Time Lord, and I think they help to save the Doctor from himself as much as he saves them from monsters and mediocrity. It's impossible to pick a "favorite," because they are all pretty special.
My first companion was Rose Tyler, who traveled with both 9 and 10, and who stole both of the Doctor's hearts. I won't get into detail, but she causes so much happiness and so much pain, not just for the Doctor but for all of the fans who grew to love her. Then comes Martha, who I think is underrated- she helps the Doctor when he really needs a friend. Then there's Donna, possibly the most hilarious companion ever, and the Doctor's best friend; she went from thinking she wasn't worth much to helping the Doctor save whole worlds, and then . . . well.
After Donna, we met the 11th Doctor, whose first encounter is with Amelia Pond, and she, and then her fiance/husband Rory join the Doctor for a few seasons. She was "the girl who waited," the 11th Doctor's dearest friend. There is also River Song, who we met with 10 once, but is mostly with 11, who is flirty and fun, and says things like "Well. I was on my way to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled, when I suddenly thought, "Gosh. The Third Reich's a bit rubbish. I think I'll kill the Führer. Who's with me?" to a group of German soldiers during WWII.
There have been some others who come in now and again, too, like Mickey, Jack, and Wilf. There were other wonderful ones who came before in the older series, and one, Sarah Jane, even appeared more recently; I as of yet have only had a small taste of them. There are still others that only appear once and yet have a lasting impression. Now, we have Clara, who we've only just met but who I am really liking already (in fact, I am going to an event in the summer in which I plan on cosplaying as her).
I also just adore the writing. I kind of hate it, too, but mostly, especially from a writer's point of view, I adore it. I mean, there are a number of plot holes, but when the writers come across that, they... well, they make stuff up and work it out. They have such incredible imaginations, too! Where do they come up with this stuff? Like, "What monster can we come up with today? Let's make the fans completely terrified of. . . oh, I know! Statues. Let's get them really freaked out about stone statures. Yes. Good. Let's go with it. " And then they somehow make it work. The term "Moffat!!" has become somewhat of a curse word among Whovians (This would be a fan of Doctor who; and yes, it is actually a word. They just added it to the Oxford dictionary. Awweee yeah!), a term of astonishment and confusion and sadness and anger. All in one word. Congrats, Steven Moffat. You are quite amazing, but I still sometimes hate you a little.
I love the creativity, and the scripting is so clever- I can be watching an episode, sometimes even one I've seen before, sitting alone, and still find myself laughing a lot. They include so much cleverness. There's a whole lot of humor, an astounding number of plot twists, and very often things that have a lot of meaning. There's some lines that touches my heart every time, just because they ring so true- they do that, take feelings that you've had but could never quite put into words and somehow do it. And you're always just like- yes, that's it exactly. For instance, there is one episode called "The Girl Who Waited." In one scene, the character Amy is talking about her love Rory, and this is what she says:
I love the creativity, and the scripting is so clever- I can be watching an episode, sometimes even one I've seen before, sitting alone, and still find myself laughing a lot. They include so much cleverness. There's a whole lot of humor, an astounding number of plot twists, and very often things that have a lot of meaning. There's some lines that touches my heart every time, just because they ring so true- they do that, take feelings that you've had but could never quite put into words and somehow do it. And you're always just like- yes, that's it exactly. For instance, there is one episode called "The Girl Who Waited." In one scene, the character Amy is talking about her love Rory, and this is what she says:
You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later they're as dull as a brick? Then there's other people, when you meet them you think, "Not bad. They're okay." And then you get to know them and... and their face just sort of becomes them. Like their personality's written all over it. And they just turn into something so . . . beautiful.
Things like that just . . . because it's real life. A lot of people- myself included- has had that experience and can relate to it. Not necessarily the exact circumstances in the show, obviously, but feelings and sentiments that resonate with many.
I could talk about this for a long time, go into greater depth about the characters and the struggles, the heartbreaks and heartthrobs(*cough*DavidTennant*cough*), and all the wonder that comes with this delightful show. Like I mentioned, I'm sure it will come up again. For those of you who already do watch Doctor Who, you already know most of this; good for you. :) For those of you who don't, you should really start. With all of the being sad I mentioned, it is so, so worth it. "The Doctor is worth the monsters," believe me. At this point I would love to leave you with a video snippet of the awesomeness, but I can't choose. Here's the opening theme, though. : ) That's pretty epic.
Okay, well that's all I have for now. Go forth, and watch; you'll be so glad you did. It'll be . . . Fantastic. : )
I've only watched one episode of Dr. Who (I know, I know!)..."Weeping Angels" because Dr. Jamie told me I must, I must! Your post, I think, has inspired me to begin (at the beginning)this summer. No kidding...good writing here. I absolutely love the asides!