So. Word to the wise- do not stay outside, without sunscreen, in a tank top and shorts, in the blazing sun, for three straight hours. You will end up like me- a crispy-shouldered, cherry tomato-colored, very sore individual. And it is no fun at all.
I was outside for a good reason, mind you. I had a cumulative history exam on Monday, the next day, and I had an obnoxious amount of reading and review to do. It was so very nice outside, too, and there was a breeze, so if my skin was getting too hot that would cool it down. Compared to the dim confines of my dorm room, the commons on my college campus was like a sunny little paradise. The reading wasn't even so bad, the writing well done and the setting sublime; there was just a crapload of it to do (18 chapters. From the 1300s through the Cold War. Pretty much all of European history. All in one weekend. -_-).
It really was a gorgeous day. The sun was bright and strong- as evidenced by my jalapeno- colored complexion- and, as I mentioned, there was a really lovely breeze. For a few minutes I even watched a bird zipping back and forth from the crevice in the Chapel's gutter system in which I assumed his nest was, to the ground to fetch food for his babies, who I could hear squawking from my spot a a hundred or so yards away. Friends who were walking past stopped and chatted for a spell, and I was having quite a splendid time of it all. But alas, that fun did not last.
At around four I decided to head back to my dorm. As soon as I stepped in and looked in the mirror hanging on my closet door, my eyes got wide. Wow. Dang. How did that happen?! And most importantly, OUCH!!!! All of a sudden, as soon as I'd seen the aftermath of the barrage the sun had wracked on my skin, it started to sting. I don't think I can thank my mother enough for insisting that I bring Aloe Vera lotion with me to college.
Well, the last couple of days I have had uber pain in my shoulders especially, and a sting when something rubs too much against the other parts. Like I said: no fun at all.
Now, as I was writing this, I was wondering why the heck anyone would want to read about me getting a sunburn. Well, I don't know if anyone would. But it does actually have a point. I knew I should go inside sooner. But I didn't, because I thought I'd see some other friends, I'd get a tan maybe, and inside would be less pretty. Now, though, I can't spend too much time out in the sun at all unless I want to find myself in even more pain. If I'd been out there a reasonable time and come in when Roomie suggested, I'd probably be good to go.
I think as humans, we want to think we know better, and we often try to take too much of a good thing. It was a stunning day, and the sun and the breeze were awesome. If I'd only stayed out an hour, or an hour and a half, I'd still have enjoyed it and not feel like burnt toast now. I could emphasize this more, reiterate it and stuff, but I think that's all you really need: sometimes, take the good advice of others, and also, moderation is key to living happily and not sun-burnt.
So, that's all for now. Though I will leave you with a song, because honestly I've just been having way too much fun attaching videos to these.
This is about the color that my skin was. |
I was outside for a good reason, mind you. I had a cumulative history exam on Monday, the next day, and I had an obnoxious amount of reading and review to do. It was so very nice outside, too, and there was a breeze, so if my skin was getting too hot that would cool it down. Compared to the dim confines of my dorm room, the commons on my college campus was like a sunny little paradise. The reading wasn't even so bad, the writing well done and the setting sublime; there was just a crapload of it to do (18 chapters. From the 1300s through the Cold War. Pretty much all of European history. All in one weekend. -_-).
It really was a gorgeous day. The sun was bright and strong- as evidenced by my jalapeno- colored complexion- and, as I mentioned, there was a really lovely breeze. For a few minutes I even watched a bird zipping back and forth from the crevice in the Chapel's gutter system in which I assumed his nest was, to the ground to fetch food for his babies, who I could hear squawking from my spot a a hundred or so yards away. Friends who were walking past stopped and chatted for a spell, and I was having quite a splendid time of it all. But alas, that fun did not last.
At around four I decided to head back to my dorm. As soon as I stepped in and looked in the mirror hanging on my closet door, my eyes got wide. Wow. Dang. How did that happen?! And most importantly, OUCH!!!! All of a sudden, as soon as I'd seen the aftermath of the barrage the sun had wracked on my skin, it started to sting. I don't think I can thank my mother enough for insisting that I bring Aloe Vera lotion with me to college.
Well, the last couple of days I have had uber pain in my shoulders especially, and a sting when something rubs too much against the other parts. Like I said: no fun at all.
Now, as I was writing this, I was wondering why the heck anyone would want to read about me getting a sunburn. Well, I don't know if anyone would. But it does actually have a point. I knew I should go inside sooner. But I didn't, because I thought I'd see some other friends, I'd get a tan maybe, and inside would be less pretty. Now, though, I can't spend too much time out in the sun at all unless I want to find myself in even more pain. If I'd been out there a reasonable time and come in when Roomie suggested, I'd probably be good to go.
I think as humans, we want to think we know better, and we often try to take too much of a good thing. It was a stunning day, and the sun and the breeze were awesome. If I'd only stayed out an hour, or an hour and a half, I'd still have enjoyed it and not feel like burnt toast now. I could emphasize this more, reiterate it and stuff, but I think that's all you really need: sometimes, take the good advice of others, and also, moderation is key to living happily and not sun-burnt.
So, that's all for now. Though I will leave you with a song, because honestly I've just been having way too much fun attaching videos to these.
I thought this was apt, due to my current situation. I think I first learned this
song from a karaoke machine I had as a pre-teen. : )
OOH! OOH! And this ^_^ :
I am incredibly pleased with myself for thinking of this one.
Hehehe, Jo-Bros. Joe was always my favorite.
So, that's all for now. Another post to come soon, though, since these were actually started for my creative nonfiction class, and I'm pretty sure I'm missing one. So. Hope you learned something or at least weren't annoyed by the moralization of my stupidity.
And, in conclusion, wear sunscreen, boys and girls.
Talk to you soon!
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