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Showing posts from January, 2014


Hello all! So, you know how I was counting down to Ireland... well, I'm there now! Well, here now. IT'S GORGEOUS!!! I just had a week of orientation and stuff, and then this past Monday I had my first week of classes- which ended Wednesday afternoon! I have a four day weekend all semester long, and I don't think I could be any happier about that- hello traveling. It has been.... amazing. And that's only after ten days.  I can't describe how thrilled and blessed I feel to have this opportunity. Now, I'm gonna warn you now, this post is not going to be short. I'm not going to lie, when I realized last Saturday that I was leaving in a day, I was so overwhelmed that I was somewhere between crying for joy and throwing up. This didn't subside until I well into the flight- something else I've never done, flying. I was excited but at the same time sad to leave my family and underneath it all I was a nervous wreck. I did all I could- followed my instructi...

Excuse Me While Sherlock Temporarily Hijacks My Blog

Okay,before things get carried away, first things first, countdown time: 11 DAYS TILL I LEAVE FOR IRELAND!!!  So yes, this is the most fabulously exciting and nerve-wracking thing right now and I am having all sorts of issues actually believing that it's happening. Still so much to do! How am I going to fit 4 months worth of stuff in just a couple suitcases? What is it going to be like when I get there? Will it be what I've always dreamed of it being(AKA magical)? IS THIS FOR REAL???? Oi! I don't even... well. How bout we talk about something I'm slightly more comprehending of. Though when I say slightly, I do mean slightly. I would just like to preface this by saying that yes, I do realize it is just a TV show, and yes I do have a life, and I promise that I am not a complete Sherlock fangirl; I have a good number of other topics I can get equally, and on occasion, more so worked up about. But for now let's address the most prevalent. CAN WE PLEASE TAL...