Okay,before things get carried away, first things first, countdown time:
And for a sample of the completely maddeningly feelsy-ness of this episode, I present to you an excerpt from the Best Man's speech:
Like I said, everything about this episode was fabulous. Except when the very ending is considered, and then the end seems very sad, but the rest is quite spectacular. And that isn't even MENTIONING all of the fan reactions to it, which in themselves are quite stupendous. So, due to my inability to create gifs(?) and the general improbability that I could ever cover everything that is wonderful about this episode, we're going to stop now. Plus I really do have a whole crapload of stuff to get ready for Ireland. So yeah. Okay, well I'll talk to you later! For now, I'll leave you with Sherlock and John getting wasted to a dubstep version of the Sherlock Theme:
So yes, this is the most fabulously exciting and nerve-wracking thing right now and I am having all sorts of issues actually believing that it's happening. Still so much to do! How am I going to fit 4 months worth of stuff in just a couple suitcases? What is it going to be like when I get there? Will it be what I've always dreamed of it being(AKA magical)? IS THIS FOR REAL????
Oi! I don't even... well. How bout we talk about something I'm slightly more comprehending of. Though when I say slightly, I do mean slightly. I would just like to preface this by saying that yes, I do realize it is just a TV show, and yes I do have a life, and I promise that I am not a complete Sherlock fangirl; I have a good number of other topics I can get equally, and on occasion, more so worked up about. But for now let's address the most prevalent.
CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT SHERLOCK SEASON 3????? [Spoilers for those of you who haven't seen it yet.]
CAN WE PLEASE TALK ABOUT SHERLOCK SEASON 3????? [Spoilers for those of you who haven't seen it yet.]
Okay, I am loving it. SO. MUCH. There is nothing thus far that I am not loving about this season. Other than it's only three episodes and we're 2/3rds of the way in. And also that I've loved everything. It makes me nervous when Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss are so nice. Because they are sadistic jerkfaces. I love their work, and from a writer's standpoint, they are complete and utter geniuses, but they are terrible people. So that makes me really worried for episode three.
But before all heck breaks loose, let's focus on the awesome.
Episode 3x01:
HOLY CRAP HOW DID HE REALLY DO IT?!?! I'm kind of partial to Anderson's theory, because I've always been a Sherlock/Molly shipper at heart. Plus I am incredibly attracted to that hair ruffle. For real. Dang.
HOLY CRAP HOW DID HE REALLY DO IT?!?! I'm kind of partial to Anderson's theory, because I've always been a Sherlock/Molly shipper at heart. Plus I am incredibly attracted to that hair ruffle. For real. Dang.
Also, Mary is the bomb. I really like her and I'm worried for her safety in episode 3 because of that fact.
Additionally, while Sherlock actually seems more like a real human being now, he is still a jerk.
Somebody on Tumblr put it this way "This is the best fanfiction I've ever watched." Yes, yes it was.
Now episode 2... I can't even...
So John gets married, okay, to this incredible woman that I already love. And Sherlock, naturally, is the best man. Not only is it as truly uncomfortable at points, as expected, but it is also really really really funny, and so incredibly touching (OHMYGOSH SHERLOCK HAS FEELINGS) that I didn't really know what to do with myself.
I never expected to see a completely sloshed Sherlock and Watson, but there they were, totally drunk, and it was one of the funnies things I think I've ever seen. (Ex. John, "He's cluing for looks." Sherlock's deductions,"Skull? Death? Deaded?")
And there was that little kid, Archie, I think, who Sherlock just totally clicked with, which was super adorable to watch. They bonded over maggots and beheadings, and it was precious. Not to mention that the kid is really clever and gives Sherlock the kick-start he needs to solve the case.
For real how adorable is this? |
“the point im trying to make is that i am the most unpleasant, rude, ignorant and all round obnoxious arsehole that anyone could possibly have the misfortune to meet. i am dismissive of the virtuous, unaware of the beautiful, and uncomprehending in the face of the happy. so if i didnt understand why i was asked to be best man, it’s because i never expected to be anyone’s best friend. and certainly not the best friend of the bravest and kindest and wisest human being i have ever had the good fortune of knowing. john, i am a ridiculous man, redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship. but, as i am your best friend, i can not congratulate you on your choice of companion. actually, now i can. mary, when i say you deserve this man, it is the highest compliment of which i am capable. john, you have endured war and injury and tragic loss (so sorry again about that last one). so know this, today you sit between the woman you have made your wife and the man you have saved. in short, the two people who love you most in this world, and i know i speak for mary as well when i say, we will never let you down and we have a lifetime ahead to prove that.”
Like I said, everything about this episode was fabulous. Except when the very ending is considered, and then the end seems very sad, but the rest is quite spectacular. And that isn't even MENTIONING all of the fan reactions to it, which in themselves are quite stupendous. So, due to my inability to create gifs(?) and the general improbability that I could ever cover everything that is wonderful about this episode, we're going to stop now. Plus I really do have a whole crapload of stuff to get ready for Ireland. So yeah. Okay, well I'll talk to you later! For now, I'll leave you with Sherlock and John getting wasted to a dubstep version of the Sherlock Theme:
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