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Tea and Penguins.

Well, here we are. My last post I was starting what became my hardest semester of school ever and being kind of grumpy. On many occasions I asked why I would do this to myself and fretted that I was going to fail miserably and all my hard work would be for naught. However, happily here I sit in my Pittsburgh apartment, having achieved a 3.8 semester in the fall and looking towards the next several months with excitement. Christmas break, though shorter than I had in undergrad, was wonderful. I'm so glad I was able to be with my family- the last few months have been difficult, with moving to a new city, loads of schoolwork, and a constant over-criticism coming from my own head, but I've thankfully had some rather spectacular support in my parents, siblings, and friends. This coming year I have some really interesting classes and some truly exciting trips planned, so at this point in time, I'm generally pleased.

I'm only in the second week of the new semester, choosing a topic for a semester-long(or longer) research project and in the middle of a 500 page book about the English revolution of 1688 that needs to finished by Thursday. I should be working on that. After I read my self-prescribed number of pages, I get to read for pleasure while it's still early in my classes and I don't yet want to die. Yet. For the first time in a while I've felt like blogging. I think it was partially inspired by my visit to my new favorite shop (Margaret's Fine Imports in Squirrel Hill. Here's the website: GO. YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT) and the hot cup of chestnut tea I've been craving for weeks, steeping to my right. It makes me feel all writer-y when I have tea, and honestly with the amount of history-y focus I've imposed upon myself in the last few months, I have not had nearly enough time to pursue most of my other passions. SO before I get into my 140-pg reading for the day, I thought I'd do this.

To be completely honest I mostly am just really excited about this tea, and my new penguin tea infuser I've named Sunny (as she is a sunset color that is somewhere between orange and peach and red). But there is something else kind of exciting that I feel like talking about. And that is my current pleasure-reading, Harry Potter.

Why the heck did I wait so long? It was clearly a mistake

A large percentage of the people I meet, after knowing me for a bit, are surprised that I have never yet read these magnificent books. It's been years, obviously, since they came out, and everyone and their mother, whether they normally like to read or not, has read them and/or seen the movies. Well, I kinda saw the movies. They are on ABC family a lot, but I never just sat down and watched them, but did kinda catch snippets. Then I'm on tumblr, where everyone has not only read them, but has a great many theories and opinions and fanart regarding them. This means that, unfortunately I already know some of the important details and later reveals, like people who die, certain secrets and major plot points. Nevertheless, I find myself enthralled and half the time really genuinely surprised and always excited and brimming with so many feelings.  I'm on book four right now, and after each book I've been watching the corresponding movie.

Here I feel like I have to mention Alan Rickman and how sad I was when I heard that he died. These weren't the first films I'd ever seen him in, and I've always enjoyed his acting when I came across it. In Sweeney Todd he was spectacularly creepy and in Sense and Sensibility he was immeasurably charming. In fact, I had been texting my sister two days prior with how much I enjoyed Snape in the movies, and that I suspected that Rickman's acting, the life he gave to the character, to be the reason. I was already very attached, and so I can't even imagine how those who grew up with him in this capacity, as well as others, are feeling. So, I just wanted to mention him, because I just think it's important, and send virtual hugs to those I know feel his passing more deeply. *hug*

So, at long last I am finally getting around to reading Harry Potter. It's been amazing so far and I'm excited for when I find small pockets of time to read more. I think I would like to be in Ravenclaw, but you know I have a feeling I'd end up in Hufflepuff.

I finally understand this. And it's brilliant
Now, TEA. I don't even have a whole lot to say about it, other than I love it and am pretty excited about the kind I got today, Margaret's fine Imports is a tea shop, obviously, that carries lots of loose-leaf teas, so I wanted to get a couple I know I like and try a couple new ones. Earl Grey is one, but I found out there's a variety of Earl Grey called Dorian Grey and I am just all about that. Any reason to bring up my favorite book is a good one, and tea is probably the best one. So. Freaking. Excited.

While I'm nerding it up over here, I also purchased a Star Wars themed tea! It is Luke Skywalker tea, which I believe is mostly black tea, but with chicory and a few other ingredients added in. Yes I saw the new one. More than once. And I loved it. : )

Let's see... oh right, also, as I mentioned, chestnut. I bought some of this for a friend for Christmas, and have been dreaming about it ever since. It smells that good. I'm so very content right now with my beverage.

Also, I needed a tea infuser with which to brew these wonderful flavors, so, as mentioned, have a super adorable little penguin friend now. I think in the future I want to try loose leaf  Jasmine, and maybe a handful of other ones that look/smell amazing, some of which sound familiar, and some of which sound like they belong at Hogwarts. Seriously. One is called something about dragons and is made of scaly marble-sized (what I assume to be)seeds. If anyone has any suggestions, send them my way, as I will take any excuse to visit the tea shop.

Sunny :)

Okay. Well. I've put off James II and William of Orange for far too long, so I'd best get back to it. (Apparently people greeted that guy with actual oranges, Like the fruit. To give to him and his men or stuck on pikes that they'd wave around. I have to wonder if he got tired of that. Like "yes guys, my title has 'orange' in it. Very clever. As clever as the last dozen villages I've passed through. I don't even like citrus fruits.)

Hope everyone's new year is going well so far! Have a good one!

Also, have this video. Which I just found the other day and is basically perfect:


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