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Showing posts from September, 2016

Year One: Accomplished; Year Two: Let's Do This Thing

So, sitting here now getting ready to tell you how a slightly-more-adjusted human is dealing with the start of year two of grad school and Pittsburgh living, I realize I never told you all about the Dublin part of my Ireland trip. Which is for sure my bad cuz it was for sure amazing. I will not, however get into it right now as there are other things on my mind (but if you ever wanna hear about it, we can grab coffee and I'll talk your ear off about it for as long as you'll let me; my Ireland-talk has no end and no decrease in enthusiasm basically ever.) What is on my mind is that this time(ish) last year I was in a crazy-stressed, lonely, scary little bubble of insecurity from being in a new place facing a giant new challenge that I wasn't sure (and tbh am still not sure sometimes) will pan out in the end for all the trouble it's worth. And on top of all of that I was trying (very unconvincingly I now realize. like the worst.) to pretend that I was totally not feelin...