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Showing posts from 2013

2013- So Long And Thanks For All The Fish.

Hello, there, 2014- I can't wait to meet you; the possibilities are already so tremendous. I hate to be super, I don't know, generic, but I feel like it's a good place to start. After all, it has been quite a while since I've done this. I believe the last time I did this, I was spazzing my little heart out after my first west coast swing dance event back in June. Holy Moly, how time has flown, and even Holier Moly, I can't even believe what's coming up next. Since that time, I was a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding, I learned how to shoot a gun, I learned even more about dancing, made some absolutely stupendous new friends that I feel unfathomably blessed to know, and I finished the first semester of my junior year at college. I thought they were kidding when they said that the years fly by in an instant, but they were so completely right. I am only hoping the flying by doesn't move so quickly this next semester, because, on my dear lord, I a...

Dance the Night Away

Well, it's been a while, but today just seemed like a good day to write.I mentioned before that I adore dancing more than most things. This past weekend I had a lot of that beautiful activity, and I am so uber happy about it that I am full to bursting, so I thought I'd share. ^_^ So, I just had a crazy and wonderful weekend. I went to the Michigan Classic, a west coast swing dance weekend. It was the first time I've gone to one of those, and I even competed in newcomer's competition. My mind was so blown, more than once with all the incredible dancers that were there. It was definitely a perfect way to star off my summer. Okay, so first and most exciting, I GOT TO DANCE WITH PRO DANCERS!!! Like, I'm not sure if I can even express how much of a dream come true that is. They were so nice, too, and had me doing moves I wasn't aware I was capable of. I walked away feeling like a star, even though I know that I am a new dancer with a lot to learn. These were ...

Almost there

Hey look I'm writing another already. See, told you. Anyway. As I mentioned last time, I have exams this week. Finals week of Sophomore year in College. In about three days, I will be home free for the summer. ^_^ At the same time, though, this year I have had an awesome time at school. Not that Freshman year wasn't good, because it certainly was, but this year I feel as though I have made some really wonderful friendships and strengthened some of the ones I made last year. I feel like I'm going to miss school- well, my social life at school, anyway- much more than last year. Here are just some of the things (other than my phenomenally splendid friends) that have enhanced my Sophomore year: -West Coast Swing Dancing So, no big deal or anything, but these are my instructors.  -Starting a blog (yeah, this has actually been pretty fun) -My job at the library (best librarians ever, people. love them.) -IRELAND!!!! (Though, I guess that will app...

Hot, hot, hot

So. Word to the wise- do not stay outside, without sunscreen, in a tank top and shorts, in the blazing sun, for three straight hours. You will end up like me- a crispy-shouldered, cherry tomato-colored, very sore individual. And it is no fun at all. This is about the color that my skin was.  I was outside for a good reason, mind you. I had a cumulative history exam on Monday, the next day, and I had an obnoxious amount of reading and review to do. It was so very nice outside, too, and there was a breeze, so if my skin was getting too hot that would cool it down. Compared to the dim confines of my dorm room, the commons on my college campus was like a sunny little paradise. The reading wasn't even so bad, the writing well done and the setting sublime; there was just a crapload of it to do (18 chapters. From the 1300s through the Cold War. Pretty much all of European history. All in one weekend. -_-). This is the evil text book. Except it's not really evil. I mean, as ...

And the Song from Beginning to End . . .

. . . I found again in the heart of a friend.  So many truths in such musical, lilting verse. *sigh* A master... a pure, incredible genius. If I ever decided that poetry was my primary form of writing, he would be my patron saint. Who is it, you may ask? Well, if you don't remember that lovely couplet, perhaps you'll recognize some titles:  The Song of Hiawatha The Village Blacksmith Arrow and the Song Psalm of Life Paul Revere's Ride Anything? Well, that would be Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Ever since I first loved poetry, I have adored this man's writing. those five listed are just five of about 174(I think) pieces, including poems and epic(that means really, really long, just FYI) poems. I have not read nearly all of them, though I'm working on it.  I don't want this to be a research paper, but here's a little bit of background on the poet (I did use this guy for a couple of assignments, so I know some stuff. I'll try to just su...

What strange weather we're having . . .

Oh, dear goodness I am exhausted. I just had a very full weekend and tomorrow is gonna be super packed too. However, I felt as though I needed to write something, and so here I am. For lack of a better topic- or maybe I'm just so out of it right now I don't have enough mental strength to think that hard- it's time for the awkward small talk about the weather. Well, I mean, hopefully it's not that awkward. But it is actually about the weather. The weird thing though, is that in Waynesburg, the weather takes on a deeper meaning than small talk; it is an actual topic of concern, dismay, and confusion to all who experience it. The only thing that is predictable about Waynesburg weather is Rain Day, a day upon which almost every year, it rains. Oh, and if I recall correctly, last year it didn't. So there you go. For instance, I'll tell you about this past week. Thursday, I was wearing a cute t-shirt top, a little skirt and flip flops. It was beautifully sunny all...

Sisters, Sisters, There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters . . .

Well, I told you all about my wonderful brothers; I am a lucky duck. So, I thought that logically another thing to talk about would be my sisters! Well, mostly just my next oldest sister, since I spend the most time around her. I actually have . . . six sisters. Six sisters and four brothers. yeah. But the thing is that we've never all lived together in one house, or even, really, in one state; even if we had, our ages range from early forties to 18, so it's quite a span of years. Due to that and poor communications over the years, I regrettably do not know my oldest three very well, though I hope to remedy that in coming years. The next two, even, I have never gotten to know terribly well, as they were all grown up, married, and moved away before I was ten. Don't get me wrong, I love them all dearly anyway, and I miss them and wish I could see them more, but for now, the one I know best is my next oldest sister, Elisia. : ) First off, it's pronounced ee-lee-sha. I ...

Wibbly Wobbly . . . Timey Wimey . . . Stuff.

DOOOWEEEOOOOOOOO . . . VWORP VWORP VWORP "Fantastic" "Allon-sy!" "Bowties are cool." Okay, if you don't recognize any of these quotes/ sound effects I just quoted, then, my dear, you have something delightful in store. If you DO recognize them, then you already know the excellence that is Doctor Who.  : )  I was inspired for this post because I just watched the newest episode "The Rings of Akhenaten." Not gonna lie, I was a little confused (though honestly, I don't know if the writers know what's going on half the time either), but enjoyed it and am loving the new companion, Clara. There is a whole lot to say about this show, and believe me, I will bring it up again, and possibly even write whole other posts about it. But for now we'll see what happens. I'll try not to say too much in the way of plot points just in case there's an episode you've not seen and prefer to be surprised (I know I do). I...

I love coffee, I love tea, I love the java and the java loves me . . .

So I was struck with the memory that I had yet to write a  blog post this week, just as I was taking a piping hot cup of water out of my microwave in preparation for a soothing cup of tea. So, what better to write about than the drink that fuel's a writer's soul? But then I though, Coffee is really swell too, and as both drinks are everyday staples in my life, I thought I'd include them both. Now, I know that there is a debate on the topic, so I won't tiptoe around the question: Which is better? Coffee, or tea? There are even Facebook groups for coffee lovers vs. tea lovers. Presently I sit here writing, listening to chill music and sipping green tea with peach, but earlier I was enjoying a large caramel iced coffee. Am I a traitor to one side or the other, and to be forever rejected by both? I don't know, so I thought perhaps I'd just considered the aspects of each for your considerations. Now, Coffee first. Now, please forgive the cringe-worthy ...